Dr Rick Hanson | How To Hardwire Happiness

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Published Nov 06, 2017 Description
Psychologist and NYT best selling author Dr Rick Hanson joins me on The Astral Hustle. Rick shares how we can use positive neuroplasticity to hardwire happiness in our brain, how to beat our negativity bias, and what’s behind his powerful acronym H.E.A.L. ★★★★★ Have you benefited from the ideas on my podcast? By taking a few seconds to give The Astral Hustle a five star rating on iTunes, it will help share the ideas with others. Check you out, you're practically a saint!  Rating the podcast also helps bring more of the guests to the show that you’d like to hear. Thank you! Connect with me on social media! Instagram: _coryallen_| Facebook: thecoryallen | Twitter: _coryallen Want free brain stretches and the occasional life-optimizing offering? Drop your email into the "Legit Stuff" box on my website.