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Hi, Im Cody, honored to be part of the MyPineal team!

  • anon
  • myPineal
  • TLM
  • Morgyn
  • bob
    (None at the moment)
  • Dark theme toggle coming soon!

      • Cody Released :)
        Apr 27, 2020
      • Inkie7 Hey Cody, I assume you are one of the coders on this project. When i first signed up for this service, I was on my phone and just used an old password, thinking I could change it when I had more time. Well now I've tried to change my password, and it keeps saying that the old password is incorrect, even though I used it to login with! I also tried to change my email address, and again, it told me that my password was wrong. Can you please help me with this?
        May 18, 2020